Catholic Commentary: Family Life

Bud Macfarlane Sr.: The Slaughter of the Innocents by Contraception
Victory can only come through the brave and holy leadership of priests.

Bud Macfarlane Sr.: We Place Our Trust in You, Most Beloved Priests
All priests should ask for St. John Vianney's intercession.

Fr. Roger Landry: Pushing the Reset Button
End campaign against the institution of marriage and religious freedom.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Joint Defense of Marriage and Democracy
The most vital and defining issue of our day.

Fr. Roger Landry: The President's Abdication of His Oath and Responsibilities
Instructions to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in federal court.

Danielle Bean: Another Day, Another Ride
The good, the bad, the ugly, and the mundane of a recent Wednesday.

Fr. Roger Landry: A Full Pastoral Commitment to Adequate Marriage Preparation
Lack of adequate marriage preparation in parishes and dioceses.

Simcha Fisher: No Petty Virtues
Everything that comes from God is a form of love.

Danielle Bean: Mommy Wars, Schmommy Wars
The media's notion of the "Mommy Wars" is largely a fabricated stereotype.

B. F. Smith: Just In Case
A workshop on what to do if suddenly widowed.

Jennifer Roche: To Love, Honor, and Betray
Does secular society still maintain some "old-fashioned" values?

Danielle Bean: The Long and Whining Road
We might be weird, but we are family.

Danielle Bean: The Joys of Boys
Doing things differently when it comes to feelings, words, and conflicts.

Danielle Bean: Littering Love
Children don't litter the earth; they renew it.

Steve Skojec: On Not Raising Sheltered Kids
We parents do our best to act as filters, but we can't do it perfectly.

Danielle Bean: In the Company of Saints and Sinners
Our communion has become more tangible and real.

Edwin Delattre: The Test of Intimacy
A uniquely powerful motive for trying to think and speak truthfully.

Danielle Bean: Outsourcing
Some things are just plain worth the money you spend on them.

Eve Tushnet: The Great Unweaving
The connection between abortion and gay marriage.

Danielle Bean: Momnipotent
Pleased to be the hands that support them, on their birthdays and every day.

Kate Wicker: Talking Frankly about Ecological Breastfeeding
Why don't more Catholic women know about EBF?

Ellen Fielding: Last Homely House - On Revisiting Children's Books
A way of instituting another kind of family meal.

Kate Wicker: Up in the Air
Children are works in progress. They need molding.

Russell Shaw: Marriage and the New Morality
A new version of morality locked in a fierce struggle with the older version.

Danielle Bean: Vanity, Thy Name Is Mother
I am pretty sure that this life here is a beautiful thing.

Steve Skojec: The Adventures of a Stay-at-Home Dad
Being with my kids while they're still little is something I'll never regret.

Eric Pavlat: Five Ways to Talk to the Left about Same-Sex Marriage
Avoid the standard pitfalls that accompany these discussions.

Richard McGuire: Children Say the Darndest Things
A father who is trying to document the crimes of his four children.

Kate Wicker: Detachment Parenting - Learning to Let Go
"Losing her so that she may be found."

Carol Kennedy: Turning the Tables - Family on the Attack
Every Catholic family should have an idea of what God has called them to.

Danielle Bean: Home Is Not a Place
A house is just a house. But home is wherever we are. Together.

Benjamin Wiker: The Meaning of Marriage
A culture bent on wearing away any definite meaning to marriage.

Deal Hudson: To Be Adopted and To Adopt
Such sacrificial love is found in God.

Kate Wicker: Mom the Missionary
A mother's mission field is in her children's souls and in the heart of her home.

Marge Fenelon: The Little Consecration
My secret for getting through these past six years of being a military mom.

Danielle Bean: My Prickly Priest
The importance of loving others the way they want to be loved.

Marjorie Campbell: The Paycheck Pushback
The pesky paycheck plagues mothers.

Dale O'Leary: Are We Losing the Fight for Traditional Marriage?
Losing the right as citizens to petition and change the laws.

Jennifer Kaczor: The Understudy
Mothers have unconditional love for their daughters.

Anthony Esolen: Culture of Divorce, Culture of Death
Divorce destroys a world; it smothers an echo of Eden.

Joanna Bogle: Legislating Intolerance - Is Marriage a Dying Institution in England?
New laws are going to have a marked impact on all of this.

Katrina Zeno: Single Living in a Couple's World
Coupleness was in, marriage was out, and I was still single.

Danielle Bean: One Little Thing at a Time
"Faithfulness in little things is a big thing."

Danielle Bean: Cries and Compromise
We can do this. It's just that some parts of doing will be different.

Arturo Vasquez: Holy Things for the Holy?
Only Christ can make us holy, and He invites all to the sacraments.

Danielle Bean: What Love Looks Like
A good mom knows not only when to lay down the law but also when she's licked.

John Zmirak: John Zmirak Must Die
"Can't I just pick limbo?"

Deal Hudson: More Disturbing News about the CCHD
Overwhelming evidence about CCC's positions on abortion, same-sex marriage.

Danielle Bean: Love, Honor, and Take for Granted?
Are we not supposed to love the men we marry?

Danielle Bean: So Now They're Teens
There is no magic formula; there is only grace.

Deal Hudson: Catholic Politicians Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Legislation
Citizens appear to be on the side of the bishops, not the dissenters in Congress.

Danielle Bean: Let the Santa Wars Begin
The Die-Hard Believers versus the Truth-Demanders.

Danielle Bean: Glimpses of God
We just need to slow down and treasure those moments for what they are.

Marion Fernandez-Cueto: Hands to Heaven
This woman will be saved by childbearing.

William Fahey: A Just War Theory of Homeschooling
A fully Catholic understanding of the family and education is vital.

Danielle Bean: Sanitized Childhood
Three basic needs that get lost in the "sanitation."

Danielle Bean: Going Dental
With God, even our biggest worries will be small enough to hold in our hands.

Marjorie Campbell: Managing Men
Women manipulating men has a long Judeo-Christian history.

Danielle Bean: Another Day in the Life
A peek inside my windows (please don't mind the mess).

Kate Wicker: Tough Love
We are entitled to very little except for God's love.

Danielle Bean: Riding the Waves
My tumultuous introduction to marriage and family life.

George Sim Johnston: Preparing for Marriage
Secrets of a happy marriage...

Marjorie Campbell: Womb Humor
It's gross and disrespectful, and I wish it would stop.

Danielle Bean: I Sob Because I Care
Our jaded world could use a little extra heartfelt love and emotion.

Armstrong Williams: Why Marriage Matters
There is more to raising children than just food, clothing, and shelter.

Danielle Bean: Backward Thinking Moves Me Forward
I refuse to apologize for embracing the traditional split of household tasks.

Danielle Bean: For the Love of a Balloon
Love is embracing each fragile, fleeting moment for the blessing that it is.

H. Crocker III: Making Babies - A Very Different Look at Natural Family Planning
"Use NFP: It Doesn't Work!"

Danielle Bean: One 'Yes' at a Time
God never asks us to say anything more than yes to right now.

Susie Lloyd: The Best Father's Day Gift
A feeling of complete ineptitude when it comes to buying presents.

Danielle Bean: I'm No Super Mom
I couldn't do it either. Until, with God's help, I did.

Kate Wicker: Why Young Children Belong at Mass
If we are truly a pro-life people, then how can we not welcome children?

Danielle Bean: My Kingdom for a Pencil
The little things that wear away at a mother's psyche.

Joanna Bogle: The House in North Street
Buildings hold memories and help to shape your world, your ideas, and opinions.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Future Depends on Love
Suffering a crisis of confidence from within.

Fr. Roger Landry: A Sleeping Giant Awakes
Banning the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples.

Fr. Dwight Longenecker: Marriage in the Public Eye
Not only involves the whole community, but the whole communion of saints.

Danielle Bean: Soul-Healing Humor
An unabashedly honest peek into the life of a homeschooling mother of many.

Danielle Bean: Be Not Afraid
It can be hard to feel brave.

Danielle Bean: My Oasis
"I don't need an oasis; I've got oceans."

Marjorie Campbell: The Marriage Stretch
"...and the two become one flesh."

Danielle Bean: Sleep Is for Wimps
No parent has a right to expect a good night's sleep.

Robert Reilly: The Politics of Porn
Nothing so undermines the marital sexual bond as does pornography.

Kate Wicker: Six Tips for a Healthy and Happy Marriage
No oversized stuffed animals bearing red hearts required.

Danielle Bean: Forbidden Fruit -- and Sponges
Parenthood: The hardest thing, the most wonderful thing, and the most daunting.

Danielle Bean: On This Rock
A reminder of the sturdy foundation my marriage is meant to be for our family.

Deal Hudson: Adoption - A Love Story
"I was smiling so hard my face hurt."

Danielle Bean: Meeting Mary
My little son met Mary -- he saw power and beauty in her glowing image.

John Zmirak: Time for Pre-Canine Counseling
Hope that a loving Father will provide for our children and beagles a livable world.

David Mills: Contraception and Conversion
It changed our marriage as the articles had promised.

Deal Hudson: Christmas Morning - The Rules
The feast...seemed even sweeter then because we followed the rules.

Marjorie Campbell: A Fine Thing
Requires a care that does not always come easily, and is easily forgotten.

Danielle Bean: A Simple Little Christmas
I pray that God will help me see the small things.

Danielle Bean: Glamour Moms
Perfect motherhood might be a myth, but happy motherhood is real.

Marjorie Campbell: Birth Plans and Market Crashes
Sometimes it's best to toss our plans...

Fr. Roger Landry: Hand-in-Hand in Heaven
Role models for Catholic married couples.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Way to Celebrate a Wedding Anniversary
"A father and a mother who were more worthy of heaven than of earth."

Fr. Roger Landry: The Lay Catholics' Moment on Marriage
Be the light God wants with regard to the gift of marriage He has given us.

Fr. Roger Landry: Learning From Our Catholic Heroes How To Be Catholic
How to be good servants of others through being God's good servants first.

Fr. Roger Landry: Who God Is and Who We Are in His Image
Why marriage in God's plan is so important.

Fr. Roger Landry: Strengthening Marriage
It is increasingly important to have a day like World Marriage Day.

Fr. Roger Landry: Doing Their Duty and Keeping Their Promises
Another sign of how much work supporters of marriage need to continue to do.

Fr. Roger Landry: Married Love and Life
Pray that couples respond wholeheartedly to that marriage invitation.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Stakes of January 2nd
The recess is just a charade to try to kill the petition without voting on it.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Harms of Same-Sex Marriage
How the redefinition of marriage will result in tangible harm to others.

Fr. Roger Landry: On to November 9th — and 7th
Delay pushed by MPA opponents in the hope that it will change the outcome.

Fr. Roger Landry: Giving Humanity a Future
On basis of human nature, it's man and woman who are ordained to one another.

Fr. Roger Landry: Marital Rights and Responsibilities
The legislator's assertions taken one-by-one.

Fr. Roger Landry: July 4th and 12th
Will our system of government remain of the people, by the people, for the people?

Fr. Roger Landry: Taking a Stand With Christ
Go on the record and declare where they stand on the issue of marriage.

Fr. Roger Landry: Religious Freedom Endangered
Agencies will be forced to violate Church teaching and workers' consciences.

Fr. Roger Landry: Obeying God Rather Than Men
Catholic adoption professionals cannot in good conscience ignore such realities.

Fr. Roger Landry: Jesus and the Truth about Marriage
Four things pertinent to the issue of same-sex marriage.

Fr. Roger Landry: Martyrs for Marriage
Like John the Baptist, we were born with a mission. Maybe this is it.

Fr. Roger Landry: Jesus and Marriage
A crisp and clear presentation of what is already recognizable by reason.

Jim Bemis: A Christmas Film Festival
Taking part in our favorite holiday traditions.

Jim Bemis: Reason for Hope
How the Bemis family celebrates Saint Patrick's Day.

Deal Hudson: The Marriage Amendment Fails... For Now
A look at how the Catholic senators voted.

Danielle Bean: Gift of Grace
it is goodness and generosity poured out on the poorest, weakest of souls.

Danielle Bean: Scheduled Chaos
Forever attempting to simplify my family's frantic schedule.

David Mills: This Old World's Tawdry Voices
There's only so much a parent can do to keep out the world.

Anthony Esolen: Marriage in a Cubicle
All is a matter of personal choice, and therefore all is arbitrary, and alienated.

Danielle Bean: Sounding Out
Little things are important because of what they mean when they come together.

Simcha Fisher: Looking Catholic
I like being a Catholic; I do. I like people assuming we must be Catholic.

Marjorie Campbell: Missing Mariruthe
It is in their leaving that we are, thereby, made to seek God.

Danielle Bean: Finer Things
I do have nice things. Thanks be to God, I do.

Marjorie Campbell: Rats, Roaches, and Queens
A place of wonder and love for my family, a place often beyond my control.

Eric Pavlat: Genealogy - My Fathers and Our Father
Each moment is precious and needs to be valued for itself.

David Carlin: Is Gay Marriage Good for Families?
I'm a little wary when I hear this prediction coming from an Episcopal priest.

Mary Jo Anderson: Sins of Omission - Catholics, Marriage, and Politics
Catholics wrestle key moral issues each time an election cycle is upon us.

Danielle Bean: Coveting and Contentment
Sometimes find myself aching for a trim and tidy life.

Kate Wicker: Why I Nurse at the Mall... and at Mass
I'm a nursing mom and I'm not shy about it.

David Mills: Gay Marriage and the Slippery Slope to Polygamy
The logical connection between homosexuality and polygamy.

Marjorie Campbell: It's Going According to Plan
Together, through the disappointment and joy, we live our hope, our purpose.

Brian Pessaro: Blame It on Mr. Blackitt
Original sin being what it is, however, I'm not too hopeful.

Danielle Bean: A Mother's Space
It's what a mother does. But that doesn't mean we don't sometimes get tired of it.

Danielle Bean: Being There
Being a stay-at-home mom isn't always a glamorous ride.

Dale O'Leary: May, but Can't
Calling a same-sex relationship a marriage doesn't make it so.

Danielle Bean: 'Are They All Yours?'
Rules of conduct for those who encounter a mother of many children.

Danielle Bean: Play Ball!
Some Baseball Mom Basics.

Danielle Bean: Seeking Smallness
With the help of the small people who share my life.

David Warren: Defining Marriage
Laws criminalizing open discussion of the institution of marriage.

Danielle Bean: Taste and See
Believe, He tells us. Even when you don't see, believe.

Danielle Bean: 'Good Enough' Mom
None of us can have it all, but I have what really matters.

Danielle Bean: Precious 'Pip'
Some irrational part of me wishes that I could hold back time.

Marjorie Campbell: A Psalm for Serotonin
"I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land."

Danielle Bean: Today Is Not Forever
However long it might seem...

Danielle Bean: Feel the Music
I have a weakness for big-haired, Eighties rock bands. Forgive me.

Danielle Bean: Ouch
The best we can do is love them.

Susie Lloyd: Be Still Oh Everyone!
Everybody has "views" about breastfeeding.

Danielle Bean: Baby Business
Even for the tiniest details I might one day forget, thanks be to God.

Danielle Bean: Woman To Woman
Let's encourage one another.

Danielle Bean: Oh Boy
I learned by doing...

Danielle Bean: Batman
Batman lives at my house.

Danielle Bean: One Day in the Life of a Home Schooling Mom
Humbling peek inside a "normal" day.

Danielle Bean: I Love Homeschooling... I Hate Homeschooling
An awfully hard commitment to make and to keep on making.

David Warren: Motherhood
The key to fighting Catholic in secular trenches.

Joanna Bogle: Marriage, Divorce and a Seaside Town
History offers no evidence of a godless consumerist society ever surviving.

DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed in commentaries do not necessarily reflect those of the Mary Foundation. The articles are for informational purposes. Visitors are responsible for making distinctions about what is in accordance with Catholic teaching.