Catholic Commentary: Reviews

Mike Shaw: Movie Review: Noah
Familiar biblical source material can't make up for an awful script.

Joseph Susanka: Two Different Good Friday Films
A pair of films likely to be overlooked during Holy Week.

John Zmirak: How to Train Your Gargoyle
In the spirit and much the same voice as The Screwtape Letters.

Martin Morse Wooster: The Home Lives of the Founding Fathers
An enjoyable book that deepens our understanding of the their lives and character.

Monica Migliorino Miller: Inside the Abortion Machine
Conversion from abortion facilitator to abortion protester is a compelling narrative.

Joseph Susanka: The Life You Live May Be Your Own
Two films with eerily similar questions and drastically different conclusions.

Joseph Susanka: The Specter of Broken Fatherhood
An intriguing message amid a sea of problematic mannerisms.

Deal Hudson: The Worst Book I Ever Read
Annoyed and exhausted from the effort of reading so much nonsense.

Ralph McInerny: Mountain Man
It is good to settle down again with this marvelous and saintly author.

Joseph Susanka: The Brutality of Grace
Moments of grace and the violence that surrounds them.

H. Crocker III: What Might Have Been
A future wherein the world has come to be really and intelligently Christian.

Deal Hudson: The Pro-Life Leader Who Is Also an Exorcist
The occult is not innocent entertainment.

F. H. Buckley: An American Tragedy
More levels of meaning than one finds in an entire contemporary blockbuster.

Benjamin Wiker: Delusional Atheism
So many bad arguments on behalf of a most serious subject.

Benjamin Wiker: The Case Against Christianity
Only as strong as his case for atheism, and that is not very strong at all.

Benjamin Wiker: The Atheists' Benchwarmer
Stenger's arguments read like a collage of standard atheists' quips.

Joseph Susanka: The Western Is Dead; Long Live the Western
Styles and themes from both the new and old eras that has been evolving.

Deal Hudson: Glee and the Search for Postmodern Innocence
The ability to keep three generations of viewers in front of the TV together.

Russell Shaw: Early Chronicles of a Post-Christian Age
Also shed light on the situation of faith today.

Elizabeth Scalia: Stalking the Ten-Pronged Divine Nod
A likeable, valuable book, but it may be more useful in portable audio form.

Ronald Rychlak: The Plot to Kidnap Pope Pius XII
Should be a significant book in the Pius war.

Monica Migliorino Miller: Why an All-Male Priesthood Remains
Some helpful responses to the most common objections to the Church's teaching.

Anna Mathie: Love and Trespasses in Kristin Lavransdatter
"Ever since I read it, it has never left me for a moment."

Meghan Keane: Lake of Fire
Some of the most emotionally fraught sentiments on abortion caught on film.

George Sim Johnston: Benedict's Jesus
Readers expecting an easy tour of the New Testament won't find it here.

Patrick Hynes: Faith, Hope, Love, and Welfare Reform
Study of charitable giving in America from an entirely pragmatic perspective.

Deal Hudson: M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable Success
Unbreakable may be too much of a mental stretch for most people.

Thomas Hibbs: Our Contemporary Nihilism
The significance of popular cultural artifacts for our self-understanding.

Thomas Hibbs: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Economics
We do not have the sort of book about conservatism that we desperately need.

Thomas Hibbs: England at Prayer
Enables the reader to participate actively in the piety of the late Middle Ages.

Cynthia Grenier: Philip Pullman's Dark Materials
A disturbing — not to say dangerous — vision.

H. Crocker III: How the English-Speaking Peoples Saved Civilization
-- and will do it again.

H. Crocker III: Tocqueville's Catholic America
A wonderfully consuming portrait of Tocqueville and his ideas.

Kevin Schmiesing: The Long Road to Civil Rights
One of the most sensational crimes and trials in Alabama history.

Jason Boffetti: Politics from Parables
Consider whether the Gospels are the source-text for our modern political values.

William Baer: Zodiac
The difficulty of making movies about well-known unsolved crimes.

Michael Ard: Kirk among the Ruins
A strong exposition on the range of Kirk's thought.

William Doino Jr.: When Love Conquers Politics
The kind of book that might actually help heal a broken relationship.

Martin Morse Wooster: The Lessons of Lawrence
An effective introduction to the life -- and the ideas -- of T. E. Lawrence.

Eve Tushnet: Tolstoy Dies, Goes to America
It shows the shackles of wedlock -- and the love that forges them.

John Zmirak: Everybody Loves a Secret
We all crave the mysterious, and hope to have its secrets opened to us.

Fr. James Schall: A Man of Words and Deeds
Churchill was a statesman, a man of action with the prudence that goes with it.

Deal Hudson: The Laughter That Binds Us All
Feminism of life does everything in support of life from the perspective of love.

Russell Shaw: A Changing Church?
A close-up look at ten trends that will largely shape Catholicism.

Arturo Vasquez: The Fall of the Archbishop
The official spokesman of the Catholic Left for more than two decades.

Thomas Howard: Augustine's Pears
A great antidote for all that is confused and squalid about our own epoch.

Deal Hudson: Bill Donohue Takes Aim at the Secular Left
Secular Sabotage could not arrive at a more opportune moment.

Robert Reilly: Shine On, Mendelssohn
It is beyond my imagination why anyone would not wish to see this light.

Martin Morse Wooster: Resurrecting Religion
Religious news is, more often than not, the most important news of the day.

Thomas Hibbs: 'Where the Truth Lies'
Mad Men illustrates some of the concerns central to Caritas in Veritate.

John Chalberg: Rescuing Lincoln
His ambitions and mistakes never let him steer away from his great goal.

David Mills: Chesterton and Lewis for Beginners
The bookish Christian's rock stars.

Gerald Russello: Mary as Global Icon
Mother of God ranges across the centuries, from the Gospels to the Reformation.

Deal Hudson: Catholic Writer Tells a Pro-Life Horror Story
Fighting to live in the face of a creator who wants to murder him.

Eve Tushnet: We'll Burn That Bra When We Come to It
Florence King's 1982 novel When Sisterhood Was in Flower.

Deal Hudson: Evil, In the Name of God
Will leave you changed and forever on guard against the abuse of divine law.

Joan Frawley Desmond: Fathers and Sons
Reveals something more than the author may have intended.

Fr. Roger Landry: The Benefit of Doubt
This movie shows that in many cases it's hard to discover the truth.

Martin Morse Wooster: Evolutionary Art
Reasonable conclusions through an unprovable belief.

Brian Saint-Paul: Politics as Applied Theology - A Conversation with Peter and Helen Evans
"Whoever said Christianity was nice?"

Deal Hudson: A Catholic Writer Who Does Not Turn Away
The Body of This: Stories by Andrew McNabb

Danielle Bean: Soul-Healing Humor
An unabashedly honest peek into the life of a homeschooling mother of many.

Christopher Scalia: An Odd Bird
O'Connor's life is an inspiration to any writer...and a model for any Catholic.

Anthony Esolen: The Disappearance of Song
The work of Ford -- is irrepressibly biblical and epic no matter where it is set.

Cynthia Grenier: The Great and Terrible Year
The power and style of the Russian original.

John Zmirak: Brideshead Redecorated
Lush and musical prose conveys to us the intensity of perfect, lyrical moments.

Pope Benedict XVI: Guardini on Christ in Our Century
"That which is truly real...will lead us to the One who is truly real."

Fr. James Schall: The Lord of the World
"Wonderfully conveys the flatness and boredom of a world without God."

Christopher Scalia: Appalachian Gothic
A haunting depiction of greed, inhumanity, and single-minded ambition.

David Mills: Reading the Signs
"A telling of the good news in symbols that would speak to many people."

Fr. Dwight Longenecker: Heretical Times
Good, solid, reliable history written in a no-nonsense style.

Joan Frawley Desmond: The Twilight of Clint Eastwood
A radical response to the problem of evil in the world.

Cortes DeRussy: The Difference Between Observing and Exploring
The Pulitzer Prize winning play August: Osage County

Joan Frawley Desmond: Of Certainty and Doubt
Doubt evokes a haunted time before "the deluge."

Matthew Lickona: I Want to Believe
Film Review - X-Files: I Want to Believe

John Zmirak: Our Age's Reigning Sin - Now on DVD
This vice is misguided compassion.

Martin Morse Wooster: Gandhi, Churchill, and India's Troubles
One cannot fully understand Churchill without studying his views on India.

Matthew Lickona: Vampire Love
Love isn't safe, especially when you love someone supernatural.

Joseph Susanka: The People Behind the Politics
The Visitor -- a little film about a quiet little man overcome by deep suffering.

Deal Hudson: Why Hitler Stole the Art of Europe
He sought total domination of the culture, especially its art and architecture.

Todd Aglialoro: Bourne, James Bourne
A conspicuous moral ambiguity infects Quantum of Solace.

Matthew Lickona: Jesus Discovered
"Redeemed" talks about conversion, the turn toward Christ, as a lifelong work.

John Zmirak: Kneeling Before the World
We have the bishops we deserve.

Fr. Roger Landry: Preaching Christ's Passion
Caviezel's portrayal was of a Savior whom today's men would follow.

Jeffrey Tucker: A Novel for All Souls
Oscar Wilde's, "The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Mike Shaw: The Da Vinci Code
A review of the movie based on Dan Brown's book.

Joan Frawley Desmond: From Darkness Into Light
Departs from the set conversion story, with its happily-ever-after denouement.

Eve Tushnet: The Serenity Player
Hermann Hesse's 1943 novel, The Glass Bead Game.

Matthew Lickona: Subtletyproof
The sweetness was so relentless, so utterly without guile.

Jeffrey Tucker: The Debt We Owe to Trade
The book is even more important than the author knows.

Matthew Lickona: Ridiculous
Mostly, it's an entertaining run...

Joseph Susanka: Taking Up Arms
A film filled with many complex, conflicting messages.

Joan Frawley Desmond: 'Big Tent' Catholicism
A conflicted approach to Catholic moral teaching.

Anna Mathie: Outside "Catholic"
Ushpizin, or The Holy Guests

John Zmirak: How to 'Render' without Surrender
Archbishop Charles Chaput's Render Unto Caesar

Christopher Scalia: Chesterton's Overrated Novella
It is not a masterpiece, and Chesterton's reputation should not obscure that fact.

Michael Ard: The House of War
Throughout her compact book, Moczar narrates engagingly.

John Zmirak: The Ale-Drinker's Answer to Hegel - Chesterton's The Everlasting Man
The convert nabs this narrative from 2,000 years ago and makes it new.

Susie Lloyd: Dostoyevsky on Steroids
A conspiracy to destroy Christ's Church from within?

Elizabeth Scalia: 'Greater Than' Is Pretty Great
Sound argument against the considerations of four prominent atheists.

Logan Gage: A Good Book About Bad Books
A quick course on the Great Books or to inoculate a child going off to college.

Joan Frawley Desmond: Resisting the Temptations of Power
Archbishop Charles Chaput's Render Unto Caesar

Jeffrey Tucker: Peace-Loving Conservatives
A super-entertaining, very well-researched, and enormously enlightening history.

Christopher Scalia: A Pattern, Somewhere
If you can handle Brideshead Revisited, you can handle this novel.

Joseph Susanka: The Little Way of the Samurai
A film about the importance and value of one's family.

Michael Baruzzini: Fighting the Wrong War
Ignores the far greater danger of evolutionism.

Eve Tushnet: When I Was Cruel
A Small Killing: A frightening, lovely, and creepy comic.

Todd Aglialoro: The Government, Divorce, and the War on Fatherhood
As unique as it is disturbing...

Marjorie Campbell: Listening to the Children of Gay Parents
Her candid account of life growing up "under" an exploitative father.

Joseph Susanka: The Devil Went Down to Gotham
Nolan discovered the combination that eluded the franchise for so many years.

the InsideCatholic Staff and Friends: Notes from the Author - Ron Hansen on Exiles
What is "Catholic" fiction?

Elizabeth Scalia: Willing America Right
His sensibility is both consistent and thoughtfully measured, whatever the stimulus

Martin Morse Wooster: Page-Turning American History
"A refreshing change" from "gloomy, depressing, jargon-laden tracts."

Joseph Susanka: A Person Is A Person, No Matter How Broken
A perfect example of a director using the documentary form to its full potential.

Mark Stricherz: Grabbing Religious Voters
Democrats are making a play for some "values voters."

Joan Frawley Desmond: The Bonds of Friendship
The most intimate and profound moments of a great pontiff's life.

Deal Hudson: Ralph Reed Writes a Novel?
To recreate an election in the imaginary world of fiction.

Gerald Russello: The All-Powerful Presidency
Shatters conventional illusions about what we think the presidency is for.

Joseph Susanka: Of God and Guests
The miraculous power of prayer and maintaining a simple, childlike faith.

Russell Shaw: Through a Glass, Darkly - Secrecy and the Catholic Church
Is the problem larger than secrecy?

Meghan Keane: Growing Pains
Lacks some of the intimate detail of the first film.

Genevieve Kineke: The Idol of Age
No regrets, no humility, no real wisdom.

Eve Tushnet: Tainted Love
What is done out of love is beyond good and evil.

Logan Gage: Delusions of Grandeur
I do wish the rest of the scientific community would join us.

Joan Frawley Desmond: The Clash of Civilizations 2.0
A discussion regarding the civilizational challenge that now confronts the West.

Joseph Susanka: The Skinhead and the Priest
Reminds us, no one is ever beyond hope.

Fr. James Schall: Orthodoxy
The single-best book published in the last hundred years.

Jeffrey Tucker: The Real Catholic Songbook
It contains the music for every Sunday of the year.

Randy Boyagoda: The Real Scandal in Boston and Beyond
The faithful not called to the fullest possible living out of the gospel...

Gerald Russello: Toward a More Just Law
Some of the best recent Catholic thinking on the law.

Mark Stricherz: Exposing Culture of Death, Inc.
Review: Embryo: A Defense of Human Life

Joseph Susanka: What Price Perfection?
A warning for that time when humans will control their own "evolution."

Martin Morse Wooster: The Last Days of Jefferson
Will help us understand his greatness as a Founder and as a president.

Eve Tushnet: The Conscience of Manners
She's developed manners into something akin to a spiritual discipline.

Elizabeth Scalia: Almost Catholic Is Not Quite Enough
A nourishing read...which some Catholics will find entertaining and helpful.

Joseph Susanka: The Boiler House Saint
A masterpiece of cinematic restraint and spiritual depth.

Susie Lloyd: Funny and Effective
A blend of logic and ridicule, producing orthodoxy.

Eve Tushnet: Theology of the Body in Pain
Shows how torture violates every single aspect of the created world.

Gerald Russello: 'The Break' - Dawson and the Modern World
Helpfully brings together the disparate strands of Dawson's work.

Meghan Keane: Notes from Sundance
Plenty of highlights of the ten-day festival.

David Warren: Against Pluralism
Third edition of After Virtue by the great living philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre.

Elise Ehrhard: Movies for the Next Generation
2007 saw a flurry of secular films that were unabashedly pro-life in their outlook.

Logan Gage: Shedding the Galileo Complex
A fine introduction to design – perhaps the best to date.

Joanna Bogle: Holy Land
About the future of Europe and it's a worryingly good read.

Cynthia Grenier: A Handsome Lie
The theology in the film is murky to say the least.

Benjamin Wiker: Moses Who?
See the Ten Commandments in a new way.

Meghan Keane: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Rather than depression, it invokes awe and appreciation.

Sean Dailey: A Firefly Named 'Serenity'
And so it goes. You can't help but fall in love.

Eve Tushnet: Grace Is the Hardest Pillow
The best poems in this collection are among the best poems I've read.

Joan Frawley Desmond: Bella
Transformative power of relationships anchored in truth rather than sentimentality.

Meghan Keane: Gone Baby Gone
An engrossing detective thriller that displays a nuance Affleck lacks as an actor.

Martin Morse Wooster: The Forgotten Failures of FDR
An important attempt to re-examine the ideas and the legacy of the New Deal.

Ronald Rychlak: The Priests of Dachau
Provides insight into history, human nature, and faith.

Cynthia Grenier: Louis XIV's Saving 'Solidity'
"Kings have majesty and popes have sanctity, but you have solidity."

William F. Buckley: God's Irony
It is God's irony to find holiness in a sinner, and perhaps to forgive the sin.

Benjamin Wiker: The Best Mind of the 18th Century
Little substance beyond what one would hear murmured in Enlightenment salons.

Thomas Howard: 'Brideshead Revisited' Revisited
A story about sin and grace.

DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed in commentaries do not necessarily reflect those of the Mary Foundation. The articles are for informational purposes. Visitors are responsible for making distinctions about what is in accordance with Catholic teaching.