Commentary by Joseph Susanka

Two Different Good Friday Films
A pair of films likely to be overlooked during Holy Week.

The Future of Film
The rumors of film's death have been greatly exaggerated.

The Life You Live May Be Your Own
Two films with eerily similar questions and drastically different conclusions.

A Different Kind of Christmas Movie
The Shop around the Corner and The Bishop's Wife.

The Specter of Broken Fatherhood
An intriguing message amid a sea of problematic mannerisms.

The Brutality of Grace
Moments of grace and the violence that surrounds them.

The Western Is Dead; Long Live the Western
Styles and themes from both the new and old eras that has been evolving.

Beyond 'Happily Ever After'
A quick sampling of those films that are particularly noteworthy.

Remembering Tom Dillon
We were not ready for him to leave.

The People Behind the Politics
The Visitor -- a little film about a quiet little man overcome by deep suffering.

Taking Up Arms
A film filled with many complex, conflicting messages.

The Little Way of the Samurai
A film about the importance and value of one's family.

The Devil Went Down to Gotham
Nolan discovered the combination that eluded the franchise for so many years.

A Person Is A Person, No Matter How Broken
A perfect example of a director using the documentary form to its full potential.

Of God and Guests
The miraculous power of prayer and maintaining a simple, childlike faith.

The Skinhead and the Priest
Reminds us, no one is ever beyond hope.

What Price Perfection?
A warning for that time when humans will control their own "evolution."

The Boiler House Saint
A masterpiece of cinematic restraint and spiritual depth.